Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ree's Ribbons


--> hopefully found a job--I have an interview @ Bancroft on Tuesday,
and it should go well!

--> is very happy w/my decision to put Shea in our local school's Pre-K program!!

  1. I'm extremely happy with her teacher--and assistant!!
  2. But still a little worried as to who is going to watch her if I do get this job. --It will only be for a few hours in the afternoon, until Nick gets home from school, on Wed. -Fri.

--> still HATES mosquitos, but they aren't much of a nuisance right now with the cooler weather.

--> has been watching what she eats and getting some exercise!

  1. Been walking Shea either to school or from school.
  2. Hoping to do both this week--Shea & weather permitting!!
  3. Has lost 4 lbs. this week!!

--> is still excited--and nervous and scared and happy-- about going back to work!!

--> would still LOVE to go back to my old job and hopes to go back one day!!

--> is very happy to have her driveway back after months!!

--> is thankful that this past week has brought good news and good things even in the midst of the not so good things!!

--> is still suffering from these dangit sinus headaches!!

--> is looking forward to earning some $$$ and getting caught up on all our bills!

--> is NOT looking forward to the hours I'll have to work, but glad they aren't overnight!!

--> is still ALWAYS and everyday putting it all into the LORD'S hands and praising Him for what He has given us!

--> is humbled by HIS grace!!

--> is wishing everyone a great weekend!!


1 Add your Two Cents:

Smee said...

Hope everything continues to go well for you, Marie!