Thursday, January 31, 2008

Protecting the Princess from the Monster in the wall!

The task of the day:

Try to talk a stinky little princess into getting a bath. Seems like a pretty simple task, right? Well, those with a toddler know that it's hard enough to get them in a bath when they aren't in the mood. Which as those of you who do have a toddler (or a young child) know is a rough task alone. But...

Add in this:

Understand my dilemma?

Let me backtrack a bit.

A few weeks ago, Shea and I were getting a bath. Right after I got in, the ceramic soap holder and surrounding tiles decided they did not want to stay on the wall anymore. Needless to say, they fell off. Yup, right in the tub with us. Shea nearly jumped right out of the tub. The soap holder, which mind you was ceramic and quite heavy, hit me in the arm, leaving a mark. Well, of course, our bath was not to be. Imagine trying to get her back in after that incident!! We proceeded into my bedroom to get dressed. Shea's daddy was there, so we told him what had happened. After I told him how the holder fell on my arm, Shea turned around and stated, "It broke my arm, too!" We just had to laugh. Anyhoo, since then it has been a struggle to get the little princess in the tub. She will occasionally, but not often. And when she does, she will only stand. Which makes it a bit difficult to wash her, especially her hair!! But a least she gets in at those times!

The problem started a few days before the incident when we noticed some minor leakage on the living room ceiling directly below the bathroom. We figured it was just the caulking around the tub, which needed to be redone. So after the incident, when we went into the bedroom, I said to hubby, "I figured out where the leak was coming from!!"

So, now Shea thinks that there is a monster in the hole in the wall and refuses to get in the tub. Plus, I don't think the big sheet of plastic covering it helps, either!

Sure can't wait for her daddy to fix it! Good news is he's a Home Improvement Contractor, bad news is he's so busy with everyone else's house, he doesn't have time to do it right now!! Sucks for us!!

To be continued...

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