Thursday, February 7, 2008

For This Blessing I Am Thankful

OK, I'm in the bathroom this morning and Shea calls, "Mommy!" I answer, "What baby?" She says, "I have to show you something." Now this conversation might not seem all that amazing to you. But, you see, Shea is only 2. So this question just completely amazed me! It's the longest phrase she has ever said! It seems like everyday she says more and more. It just amazes me how their little minds pick up so much at such a young age! I know I am using the word amazing a lot, but it's really the only way I can described it!

See my other two children are a bit older. Tomm will be 19 in April and Nick just turned 15. Now I adore my boys but I still always ached for that little girl! As the years went on and the boys got older I just figured it was never going to happen. I basically put it out of my mind, other than the occasional pang whenever I held a baby. Not that we were actively trying, the timing was never right. But then when is it?

Anyway, imagine my surprise when the home pregnancy test came up positive! I was no way ready for a baby at that point! I was 36 (almost 37), I finally was back to work full time and to top it off my husband and I were going through a really rough patch! At the same time, I was a bit excited. Here was my chance for that little girl! Needless to say my husband was none too thrilled. I gave him the news and we both decided to try one more test to be positive. I ran to the pharmacy and bought one. Of course, this too was positive.

This particular Sunday morning was a bittersweet one. You see, it was the one year anniversary of my mother's death. I am sure you understand what a intense day it turned out to be. We were off to visit his parents for the weekly Sunday family gathering.

I was a bit nervous about it! I wasn't sure how or if my husband would tell them because of how he felt and what would they say or think?

to be continued...

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