Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dakota's Dream

Meet Dakota
Dakota Jean Bihn was born on May 30, 1999.
This 8 year old little girl will be celebrating her 9th birthday next month.

On September 1, 2005 her family received horrible news about their daughter, Dakota.
She was diagnosed with a rare disease called Juvenile Onset Tay Sachs.
This disease is very rare and terminal.
On January 3, 2006 Dakota went to Duke University Medical Center
in North Carolina for a Cord Blood Transplant.

Dakota lives with her mommy and daddy, Julie & Ken and her sister Bailey in Cleveland, Ohio.

of her cord blood transplant!!!!
In the past two years her family has been through a lifetime of adventures!!!
Her white blood cell count would not come back, she got the blisters all over her body, she puked blood, she could barely walk, her hair fell out, and her eyes sunk into her head.
It is every parents worse nightmare!!
But somehow Dakota made it seem better than it was.
She smiled, she laughed, she battled, and she prevailed!!!
She got out of the hospital in about 90 days,
she got back to Cleveland in about 8 months,
and she has impacted everyone that has met her in mere seconds.
It is all about the smile.
She can light you up like Las Vegas with a single smile.
She tells you everything is okay with a single smile.
And she shows you the power of the human spirit with a single smile.
Love that smile!!

You can visit Dakota and send her some warm wishes here:

Her mommy and daddy, Julie & Ken have also started a foundation!

Please visit their Cure Tay Sachs Foundation site:

On this site you can also read more about Dakota HERE
Watch this: DAKOTA'S DREAM

1 Add your Two Cents:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with everyone about our Dakota! It is wonderful to have such love and support around the world! I love how you describe her smile! Keep up the great work helping others through your blog and by signing on people sites!!!