Monday, April 21, 2008

Following His Footprints

There is something in my life that isn't going too smoothly right now!

I am truly blessed with many things and a I am extremely grateful for all those things!

But unfortunately, as we all know, things don't always run as smooth as we might like.

This seems to be my case right now.

I am extremely confused and a bit frightened,

so all I can do is pray to the Lord above

and ask him to help guide me in the direction I need to take.

I have many issues I need to deal with, but I know the Lord will show me the way.

(I just hope I am not too blind or distracted to see it!!)

It is times like these that I turn to my favorite writing:

2 Add your Two Cents:

Madre said...

Hi Ree, just hopped on your blog...after visiting my shell's site. I thought I would share a quick thought, that I hope will encourage you... During some of my 'wilderness experiences' I have been learning that the prov 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart", means that I have to choose to trust, even when I can't imagine how things will work out. I can't tell you how many times and situations that I have had to "choose" to trust. But I will tell you that HE is faithful and will see His children through. My best to you, with my's madre

Ree said...

Thank you so much Shell's Madre for the encouraging comment!! I am most definitely trusting! And for the most part I do it calmly. In fact, sometimes hubby gets mad at me because he thinks I don't care when I JUST BELIEVE! Which, BTW, is a saying I like to use often!! Thanks again, Madre! I hope to hear from you again and maybe I'll get to meet ya one day at Shell's! :)