Friday, April 4, 2008

Indulge Yourself

Time for PAMPERING!!!

Because it's Friday with the weekend following, I thought it would be a good time to talk about this subject. I recently read an article about this and thought it was an EXCELLENT topic for us over-worked and under-appreciated moms!!

Let me start by asking you a simple question: When was the last time you took some time for yourself or treated yourself? Answer honestly! If you are like me & most moms, it probably has been quite a while. You most likely DO NOT do it too often, huh?


Hand the kiddies over to hubby (or a sitter, if need be - find a relative to help out here) for a while...a LONG while and take YOUR time!!!

Try ANYTHING that will relax you, revive you or make you want to let loose in taste, scent, sight, sound and/or touch!! It will also help to relive all that pent up stress!!

You can find inexpensive ways to indulge and even do it at home. Whichever way you choose make sure it is a guiltless pleasure because YOU deserve it!

Here are some suggestions:

Welcome Spring by buying yourself some of these:

Put them in a pretty vase, whether it be simple or cool & colorful!

Buy yourself a new CD or download some of your favorite songs!! Then make sure you relax and listen to it or even dance around, which is also a great way to fit in your exercise!!

Aromatherapy is a great way to relax.
Try some new perfume!

Or indulge in some scented candles...

Dim the lights and enjoy a hot bubble bath!

Read a good book or magazine.

Curl up under a nice warm & cozy
comforter and take a cap nap!

Or enjoy a romantic evening with your beau!!
If you chose to indulge away from home you can:

Get a manicure or a pedicure to help perk up your dry winter skin and nails!

A massage


or facial are refreshing and relaxing!

Get a good hair cut and/or
style or a deep conditioning!

Take a trip over to the nearest department store makeup counter

and try out some new samples or have your makeup done.

A new shade of lipstick can also do wonders!

Lastly, you can always indulge in food!!!

Stop at the local ice cream shop and indulge in a yummy hot fudge sundae!

Or try a new decadent dessert when you are out to dinner!

Try a new Starbuck's (or other) coffee!!

Visit the grocery store and buy some fresh fruit...

Add some whipped cream for a yummy treat!!

Or simply try a new recipe!!

Whatever you chose to do for yourself, make sure you DO IT!! After all, if you are more relaxed and in a good mood you'll be less stressed and can take care of your family better!

Plus, I think they would rather have a happy mom/wife than a grumpy, irritable one, right?

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