Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Only GOD Can Judge

In response to a recent blog post article I saw:
Why I Don't Use "The Pill"

This isn't to start any issues. I just thought it was quite interesting and wanted to share my view. I was going to leave a comment but it ended up being a bit long so I thought I'd just put it here.

I used 'The Pill' for many years. Unfortunately, I was way too fertile to not use it! After having a miscarriage I tried it. I went off of it due to some complications and tried to go with my body signals...then I got pregnant with Tomm. I went back on it again for a couple years only to have more complications. I again tried to go along with my body and it worked fine for a while. Until, I ovulated earlier than expected...thus Nick! I stayed off of it and was pregnant 7 mos. after having Nick. I miscarried that baby at 14 weeks I believe 1. because it was too soon after having Nick and 2. because of the stress I was under at the time. We were renting a 2 bedroom house at the time. Hubby was out of work and on Unemployment and I was only working part time, so money was extremely tight! After that miscar. I decided to try 'The Pill' again, because we just could not afford to have another child!! After being on it for about 10 years with no complications, I decided to go off to give my body a break. Again I went along with my body. It work very well for 11 mos. Then Shea came along!

I am Pro-Choice. I DO NOT believe in abortion but I do feel it is a woman's right to do as she chooses. It is between HER and GOD!! And none of MY or anyone elses business.
Being Catholic I have struggled with the 'birth control' issue. But in the end the church does not pay my bills or help me support what children I chose to or do have! I tried 'listening' and keeping 'in tune' to my body! My body was not always on schedule or regular at times. And in those times is when I got pregnant!
'THE PILL' does not kills babies!! It makes your body think it's already pregnant so you do not pass the ova, thus nothing to fertilize. No baby dies!!

I believe that Everything Happens For A Reason! When I was meant to have each child (and wasn't meant to be on birth control) my children were conceived! The children I have are here because they were meant to be and the ones I lost were meant to be with the LORD above.
It is between GOD & I, what I do in my private life. And I did what was best for my family.
If the NFP works for a couple, that is great! But it DID NOT work for us.
Oh, and as far as being able to control ourselves... we aren't bunnies and with having had small children, jobs, stresses, etc., our libido (esp. mine) was VERY low!!!

After reading some more info on this subject:
or...for another perspective go here...

I think a lot of women have been dooped by our GYNs!! If this is true, I'm not saying I whole-heartedly believe it...I will have to research it more!!... many women, myself included, were believed into thinking otherwise, never being told the said truth!!
Now, I also have to say that, had I known, I would have or could have done anything different. We couldn't afford more kids besides the fact of me being married to a self-centered man who believed it was my JOB to provide protection..and YES, all our children were MY fault!! I guess he's never heard of 'it takes two'!! Anyway, I was kind of up against a wall at the time!!
Thank goodness, after refusing to take the pill anymore, trying NFP and failing, then having Shea, hubby came to his senses and decided to release me from my said duties and take the matter into his own hands!! I wish he would have wayyy back when!! I guess he has matured!!
What I am trying to say is that different things work for different people all for different reasons!! Bottom line...if you can't afford kids, you have to do something to prevent short of a full pregnancy abortion!!

1 Add your Two Cents:

Ree said...

A Jersey Girl said...
I have to tell you that I too read those blog links on this subject. I am not a believer of abortion for myself, but believe that it is not my choice to make for some one else. I am not a fan of NFP just because I don't want to have my "love life" dictate by my cycle. I did for a short period of time use "the Pill" but didn't like the side effects I was having so, I stopped. I have been sexually active a very long time(maybe too long:) and I can tell you that the ONLY time I had a surprise pregnancy was with my middle daughter, and it was when my son was 5 months old and my OB/GYN told me I was not ovulating and they were running test to see why:) Well, I was and have the gift to prove it. I believe that BC like many things are an individual choice and it is okay to have a difference of opinion.

June 05, 2008 12:06 PM