Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weary-Eyed & In Desperate Need For My Morning Cup!

So, we've been having a little problem with Miss S & THIS!

Last night she went to bed just fine with her lamp on.

Later, when I went in to check on her and turn off her lamp, I noticed she was sweating a little.
So, I moved her fan a bit closer so she could feel it.
In the process, she woke up.
She was very sleepy, but I asked her if she wanted her lamp off and she said yes.
I shut it off and left the room. As I laid down in my bed, I heard her screaming!
I went back into her room where she was screaming,
"Get me out of here! Get me out of here! I want to go in Mommy's bed!!"
I took her in with us thinking it wasn't a problem.
She's done it before and when she falls asleep I just scoop her up and return her to her own bed.
I thought last night would be the same!! NOT!!
We all fell asleep. Although, it did take a while because she is a fidgid when in our bed!
After a few hours hubby woke me and asked me to put her back.
I went to scoop her up, as I have done many times before,
only this time the little princess woke up!
She knew exactly where she was going and started squirming right away.
Back into our bed she went!
Now the little girl who was finally sound asleep was now awake and could not get comfortable.
So again she fidgided!
Unfortunately, it continued through the night!!
And as she lays right up against me (I was on the very edge!!) as all shadows do,
it kept me up most of the night!!
Even though her daddy says he didn't sleep good,
he had the whole side of our KING size bed to himself,
so I know he slept better than me!!

So my coffee was much needed this morning!!

I know Miss S didn't sleep too well, either.

She feel asleep on the LR floor at 10:30 this morning.

This NEVER happens!!

I also got her to take another nap this afternoon...with me, of course!!!

All I know is she is sleeping in her OWN bed tonight!!!!

1 Add your Two Cents:

A Jersey Girl said...

it is funny how they find a way to push you just to the edge and know if/when you try to move them:)