Thursday, July 17, 2008


The first week of potty training Princess, I had to run a couple errands.
Having just used the potty and not expecting to be that long I thought she would be OK w/o a diaper. So off we went. We ran to the bank and than off to the store to pick up a couple things.
We were in the store, almost done. Ironically, we were in the underwear isle!! I had just picked up a couple packs of new undies for my BIG girl and was grabbing a jug of detergent off the shelf at the end of that isle, when all of a sudden SHE yells, "I gotta go potty! I gotta go potty!" OK we were heading up to the check-out just hold on!!
Too late... "I GOTTA GO, MOM! I GOTTA GO!!" as the puddle is forming on the floor at her feet!! Ugh...what to do!! I look around. Thank the Lord there was not many in the store and no one around us!! I stand there looking at my little girl standing in a fresh BIG puddle of pee right in front of the undies!! I took a deep breath and thought, I could call for a clean-up...too embarrassing!! I could just walk away...couldn't do that, besides I think they would be able to tell beings S had a VERY wet behind!!
SOOO, I walked over and grabbed 2 rolls of paper towels, one to use and the other for them to use to scan. I piled on the paper and soaked up the mess. I used the plastic from the roll and wrapped the wet mess in it. I then walked over and plucked a pair of $2.50 3T shorts off the rack. I couldn't put her in the car seat all wet!!
We then proceeded to the check-out where I grabbed an empty plastic bag. As I was putting in the mess, the cashier appeared to ring me up. I told her, "She made a little mess." nonchalantly. She said she could throw the bag away there so I handed to her.
When we were finished we walked out to the car. After loading my purchases into the car I rummaged through to find the new undies and shorts. I rearranged some stuff so I had a bag for the WET clothes, changed my little princess and off we worse for wear!!
She has since then gotten WAY better holding it in, BUT, for now, I use a diaper JUST IN CASE!! Which, BTW, she HAS NOT NEEDED!! She has even stayed dry overnight!!
I think she is THERE and DONE with the PT!!

1 Add your Two Cents:

A Jersey Girl said...

Glad to see you back in the blogging world. If you ever need an ear, I am happy to listen(via email or phone:)

Happy to see the PT is going pretty well.
