Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crying At The Castle

I hadn't planned on posting today-other than wordless Wednesday-but:

If anyone watched Fox 10 O'clock News last night you may have seen the story.

Yesterday morning I received a phone call from my son's school--an automated one that they use[way too often if you ask me]. This time it was the principal. As he started I could sense something was wrong because his usually upbeat spunky voice was now low & sad and, with Princess yapping in the background, I actually had a hard time hearing him.

Anyway, he went on to say that The Castle had suddenly lost a member of their family the night before. He said a letter was going out and to check the school's website for more info, etc. I went to the site and found out the name of the teacher. There really wasn't much info otherwise.

When Nico returned home from school he had said it was a car crash and apparently the said teacher feel asleep at the wheel. Everyone in the car was killed. His whole school was in mourning and there wasn't much work going on. All afternoon and evening activities were cancelled, as well.

The teacher involved was:

Ms. Jessica Gorbey-age 33~English Teacher
Here are some pics:

She wasn't one of Nico's teachers, but he did have her for a study hall.
You can read more about the accident HERE!
RIP Ms. Gorbey


2 Add your Two Cents:

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the pictures!! Jess is a like a sister to me!! i loved her caring awesome soul and in some strange way.. you post and pics helped me cry and that help alot! thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a high school friend of Jess... she was amazing! I had just reconnected with her and am at a loss... all those years lost! I am not surprised to see what a beautiful impact she had on the world around her, I knew she would do great things. My heart is with her family and friends, the loss is great, but even greater is her life and her memory.

Thank you for posting this, and the pics.