Saturday, October 4, 2008

Having Kids Changes Your Whole Mode Of Thinking!!

I have to say that having my children has completely changed me.

As I am sure many parents will agree.
When I was younger, I would see certain news stories and although I would feel sad and bothered about the circumstances, it honestly didn't bother me as much as it does now.

Becoming a parent opens up your heart to so many more feelings.

I find this even more now with the news of missing children.

If you have been following the news, then I'm sure you've seen many stories about this little girl!

Caylee Marie Anthony(born August 9, 2005) is a three-year-old girl from Orlando, Florida, who has been missing since June 2008 and has attracted national attention for the mysterious and dubious circumstances of her disappearance and probable death.

Police have named Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, a suspect in the case. Casey's own mother has called her a sociopath and a liar. Police found Casey Anthony's account of Caylee's disappearance suspicious after learning that Casey had not reported her daughter missing for over a month. The last time Casey Anthony claimed to have seen Caylee was on June 9, 2008, but the child's disappearance was not reported to police until July 15, 2008.

Caylee remains missing and her mother remains silent other than her consistent attempts at blogging on her Facebook account where she bashes media and those who refuse to believe her account of the events.

This case pulls at my heart strings even more because Caylee is only one day older than my princess. So actually having a daughter the same age really hits home!

I CANNOT even fathom what could have happened to this child!! Especially if it was at the hands of her own mother!!

I hope and PRAY--for Caylee's sake--that Casey confesses if she did kill her, so that Caylee can be laid to rest and finally rest in peace!!

Another case that comes to mind
is this one:

Susan Smith Union, S.C. was convicted on July 22, 1995, and sentenced to life in prison for murdering her two sons,

Michael Daniel Smith, three,
and fourteen-month-old
Alexander Tyler Smith
on October 24, 1994.

I remember vividly the day--the moment--that they announced that Susan Smith had confessed and was being charged with murder!!
I was standing at the kitchen sink washing dinner dishes when the breaking news came up on the TV screen of the little B&W set that sat on the counter.
I remember just standing there stunned--tears streaming down my face.
Repeating, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!"
HOW could a mother do this to her precious little boys??
My 2 sons were close in age to Michael & Alex--mine ages 5 and 20 mos.--so I felt for these tiny children.
My husband even came into the kitchen, put his hand on my back and asked me if I was alright. He knew how this touched me!!
It stayed with me for a long time!!
I still get choked up thinking about!

Especially when I looked up the story for this post!
I felt transformed back to that time as I read how she let the car--with her sleeping bare-footed babies still in their carseats--roll into the lake, watching the lights dim as the car sank!!

The other day we watched a program on TV--Animal Planet actually--about how animals help to solve some cases.

In this particular story
the dog was a pet of Danielle Van Dam.

She was the victim of a kidnapping/murder in February 2002 in San Diego, CA
by this horrible man and neighbor:

The transfer of the dog's hair helped the prosecuters seal their case against that monster.

Again, this story hit home because of having a daughter.
Even though Danielle was a bit older than my daughter, it still brings up so much feeling as I already worry about protecting her!!

I just do not understand how and/or why anyone would want to do these things to these precious children--ESPECIALLY their OWN parents!!

I pray for these people!!


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