Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Had A 'CRABBY' Afternoon!!

As I ran out the door to go pick up Niko from school, I almost tripped over a box laying on the back step! I picked it up and looked at it, as I wasn't expecting anything.
The name on the box wasn't anyone who lived here, along with the business name and phone number that was printed under the name. The address was ours--minus the E.! Stumped I put it aside until after I came back from my pick-up. Thinking maybe it was a friend's prank or something.
Upon returning I picked the box up once more. Examining it, tempted to rip it open and see what its' content held. Niko's interest was extremely peaked, as he kept goading me to open it. I decided to do some investigating first. I pulled up and checked out the name. No luck. I then checked the phone number. The business listed did not match the business on the box. At this point I'm thinking that maybe this business was new. I certainly haven't heard of it. Not around here anyway. So I then looked up the business which on the box stated a 2 after it. My search brought me a similar one w/o the 2, but this one was in Wildwood, NJ. My last attempt was to call the phone number listed on the box(856-232-2232). I dialed and the voice on the other end answered the business name listed on my box. At first I said nothing. At that point-for some reason I froze-I didn't know what to do. Upon his second "HELLO?", I asked him their location. He told me where they were and then I went on to explain the reason for my call and inquiry. He said that they had had some confusion with the address--apparently they have a different mailing address besides how they are listed with the Township Municipality. Anyway, he apologized and stated that if I ran the box to them that he would give me a freeby.
So I ran to Crabcake Hotline 2, delivered his--Bob's--box and got a delicious crabcake platter for my trouble.
They are a bit pricey, but oh so YUMMOLICIOUS!!
Who says 'CRABBY' is a bad thing??


1 Add your Two Cents:

A Jersey Girl said...

That is a very cool afternoon! I am glad it was good, you deserve it:)
