Yesterday while applying my make-up I got something in my left eye.
Thinking it was an eyelash, I looked around but couldn't find anything.
Still, it felt as if there was something in there.
I mussed with it a bit more and it finally felt better.
Whatever was in there seem to have worked it's way out.
Other than being a bit sore and red my eye felt fine.
Soon afterward, Shea & I sat down for some
PINK & BROWN DAY photos.
The whole time my eye seemed a little runny but OK.
(If you look close, you can see my left eye is a little puffy and red around the outside.)

After we finished, I uploaded my photos to the computer to post.
While doing so, my eye decided to go wacky.
It started running-I mean like a faucet!
I literally looked like I was crying, but only out of one eye.
The more it teared the more I blinked-the more I blinked the more it burned-
thus causing me to blink more--it was awful!!
(It was so bad, all my eye make-up was washed off!)

albeit at bit itchy(?)!

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