Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Securing Our Most Precious Cargo!!!

Last April I wrote a post about this subject.
Now that the weather is becoming warmer,
we will definitely be seeing more travel.
This is due to the warm weather
resulting in day trips to parks, the zoo and the shore.
This will probably be even more the case
because of the economy
being that day trips are cheaper than more extensive far away trips
-thus saving consumers money-
which we all know is a BIG thing today!!

That being said,
this is a great segway for me...
this is an area that you
want to be cheap in---

The importance of 5 point harness carseats is soooo IMPORTANT!!!

I hope you will take the time to check out

all the info links in this post,

as they are so important to this cause!!

In Memory of


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