Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ree's Ribbons


--> is still looking for a job!!

--> is getting nervous about how Shea & preschool are going to work out:

  1. Should I just enroll her in the local elementary school's FREE program--which is only ½ day and then take her out and put her in the paid preschool if & when I do get a full time job? or
  2. Use this program and see if that paid preschool has a take/pick up and just send her there for the other part of the day?

--> is hating mosquitos!!

--> is still trying to watch what she eats & exercise as much as possible!!

--> is still unmotivated and has lack of energy!!

--> is headed to the doctor's this Wednesday for a number of things--don't worry...nothing serious!!

--> is ADDICTED to Wyler's Light Cool Raspberry **And is happy to say that I get them for $1 @ Walgreens & Dollar General!!

--> is excited--and nervous and scared and happy...--at the prospect of going back to work!!

--> is confessing that I REALLY would like to go back to my old job b/c I am familiar and comfortable there!!

--> is extremely irritated that I still cannot use my driveway--after 3 weeks--while the borough is making upgrades on the side street [unfortunately where my driveway is] next to our house!!!
--> is REALLY REALLY HATING mosquitos!!

--> is hoping that this coming week brings good news and good things!!

--> is always and everyday putting it ALL into the LORD's hands and praising Him for EVERYTHING He has bestowed upon us!!

--> is wishing everyone a lovely week!!

PS...Thanks her bloggy friend Shelly for her idea of random factoids!!


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