Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's day to my Mom!

I can't say it in person
because my mom isn't here!
You see she's up in Heaven
with Jesus sitting near!
I hope she knows I miss her
and I really want to say
Just how much I love her

In Memory:
Marie Elizabeth (Rogers) Szatny
06/23/45 - 11/28/03

4 Add your Two Cents:

Madre said...

my dear Ree, I am sorry that your momma is not here (in person) to share mother's day with you. One thing that I have been learning about losing those you love is that sometimes...their presence is so much more vivid, once they have left us to be with the Lord. I know it doesn't make sense, but once we are apart....the wonderful things about that dear one, seem so much a part of our hearts...
May the memories and love you shared with your mom, lift your heart and your spirit as you invest in YOUR children....for this brief season that we call "life"...May the LORD bless, shell's madre

Ree said...

Thank you Shell's Madre!! I must say--you did a wonderful job--you raised a very special daughter!!

Madre said...

Thank you, Ree. Shell is a wonderful blessing and gift from the Lord. It seems to me that YOUR mom did a fine job bringing you up - I am enjoying getting to know you through your blog, and the loving comments you share on shell's blog. take care - shell's madre ;0)

Ree said...

Hi Shell's Madre!! I just wanted to invite you to view my other blogs. 'We Plus Three' is linked to this one. I don't know if you visited, but if you haven't please check it out!
I also have a personal goal oriented one:

This one isn't set to private, but only a few people are aware of it. I haven't made it known as of yet because I'm just not quite ready for EVERYONE to see. Maybe someday!
But anyway, please check it out!!
Have a great day!!