Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Perils Of Potty Training - Part 1

Ok, so today we really got into the
We have been trying for the past year
and Miss Priss has been going
here and there.
But we haven't really been on it...
until today!!
After a messy morn in the upstairs hallway
Miss S went 2 times
when prompted!!
Then, right before naptime...
an accident in the bathroom,
while helping big bro Nico
bath Chance!
After her nap, we took a ride to take Nico
to our old neighborhood
to see his friends.
On the ride back home,
just as we were nearing the house,
she said she had to use the potty.
When we got in the house she wanted to eat,
so I started to fix her plate.
She stated again she had to use the potty.
So I removed her diaper, which I put on for the car ride.
It felt warm, like she had just went,
but I let her sit on the potty.
Low and behold...
It was exciting enough
for her to go twice in one day
with prompting!!
But she ASKED to go
and WENT!!
She was so cute, too!
Each time she would jump all around screaming,

This is the one she has.
It is cool for her because
when she pushes down
on the yellow handle on the side
it sounds like a toilet flushing...
then plays a fun little tune...
then a message that you record.
Mine says,
" Yay, good job S**A,
Big Girl went on the potty!!"
It isn't a high quality recorder,
so 'I think' I sound like Big Bird!!
But she knows it's me
and that's all that counts!!

1 Add your Two Cents:

BluSkies80 said...

we had this potty. i never changes the saying=)! sounds like she's on her way.