Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Perils Of Potty Training - Part 2 I know it's only the middle of the day but...

Princess has asked and went 4 times so far today!!
And it's not even lunchtime yet!!


Last night ended with a mess... on my bed!!
At first it didn't look that bad...
but, LATER, I found out it wasn't little!!
No big deal though...
I thought yesterday was a good day for a 1st day!!

This morning I figured we would start today after breakfast...
but right after she got up
SHE said she needed to use the potty...
and so far so good!!

This is like the highlight of my WEEK!!

to be continued...

UPDATE for the day:

She prompted and went a total of 6 times today!!

Only one accident which was outside

while she was playing

and I really think she just FORGOT!!

She came crying to me 'I PEED!!'

But she spoke and went

a little while after that on the potty!!


I think it was a GREAT 2nd day!!



2 Add your Two Cents:

Shelly said...

congratulations! very exciting!

Ree said...

Thank you!! I know you know what it's like and what a great feat it is!!