Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Have Potty - Will Travel!!

This sight brings me so much joy!!
Just the thought of no more diapers makes me want to sing!!
Granted, we have to try to switch her from this to the 'big' potty. She actually has used it on occasion with a pop in kiddie seat, but she prefers her 'little potty'!!

I had been trying to potty train for, basically, the last year on & off. Each time to no avail. I would wait a few weeks and then try again. But she just never wanted to, so we waited and tried again. And again, etc.

Then, for whatever reason, this last time we tried she decided it WAS time. And with that * BOOM* by the end of the week - we were done.
I had thought that once she mastered #1 that it would take some time for #2, but it just came naturally to her. When she had to go I asked her if she wanted a diaper or the potty and she chose the potty...SCORE!!
The next step was overnights. I used a diaper for about 2 weeks. She DID use it a couple nights at first, but after that nothing but dry.
I just packed up all her unused diapers because WE DON"T NEED THEM ANYMORE...SCORE AGAIN!!!

I have to say, I have been so lucky that she just took to it so fast. I am truly blessed and thankful.

The only downside: I have to carry the 'potty' around with me everywhere we go (if we are going to be a while)!!
Well, ya know what they say:

3 Add your Two Cents:

BluSkies80 said...

that's BIG news! i gotta start working on my little guy-ah...maybe in a few months=)

A Jersey Girl said...

That is awesome! It is nice to be diaper free:)

Shelly said...
