Thursday, August 7, 2008

Goodnight Kiss

I count it as a privilege, I count it cause for praise to kiss my children goodnight at the close of every day.

~¤~ For I know too soon they‘re up and gone, and walking out the door And I‘ll never have a child to kiss goodnight any more.
~¤~ It‘s very strange how times have changed from the present to the past. When did they grow so quickly the time has flown so fast.

~¤~ For it seems like only yesterday I helped him with his shirt, Or pat my baby on the back,

Or kissed away a hurt. Tell a story, read a book,

wipe a nose, or tie a shoe.

They never ask me to rub their backs the way they use to do.

~¤~ Once it was a bother, just a troublesome kind of chore. But now I would give anything to do it just once more.
~¤~ Mommy, bounce me on your knee Daddy, flip me in the air.

Throw a rubber ball to me

and help me comb my hair.

~¤~ Mommy, tickle my tummy... Daddy hold me high. Let‘s go outside, for a while, or make a kite to fly...

~¤~ I count it as a privilege I count it cause for praise
To kiss my children goodnight at the close of every day

~¤~ For I know too soon they‘re up and gone And walking out the door
And I‘ll never have a child to kiss Goodnight anymore!
~ By Author Unknown ~

1 Add your Two Cents:

Tribe Mama said...

Excellent reminders to appreciate what we have when they are small.