Monday, August 4, 2008

The Wallet, The Bumper & The Road aka There Are Still Some Honest People Left In The World!

Yesterday we went to visit my in-laws. It was our normal Sunday visit but we were celebrating my father-in-law's 73rd birthday, as well, which is actually tomorrow, 8/5.
We did the regular--ate and made conversation along with singing 'Happy Birthday' and eating cake.
When we left I grabbed my bag along with Shea and hubby grabbed her potty along with his wallet. Why he had even brought the wallet in the house to begin with is beyond me because he normally just leaves it in the middle console.

Anyway, after saying our goodbyes and getting ready to back out of the driveway, he states that he doesn't have his wallet. I asked if we should go back and look because he did have it when he put her potty in the back. He said no it should be back there with it. And with that we left.
Upon returning home, we checked the back and --NO WALLET!! He must have left it on the bumper and forgot it. As I went in to call my in-laws he back-tracked our path home, scanning for the wallet.
About 10 minutes after he left, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find a woman in her early 30's standing there holding up the wallet. She asked if someone lost it. I explained the story and thanked her numerous times. She said no problem, they were glad to. She and her husband were driving way up the road, I guess about half way between my in-laws and home, when they saw the wallet laying in the middle of the street. She went on to explain that her hubby had lost his recently and no one returned it, so he was out of his license, which we all know is extremely hard to get replaced now-a-days! I thanked her again and she left.
Hubby returned not 5 minutes later, so I walked out to meet him holding up the wallet. He couldn't believe it!!
His sister later said that he was lucky.
We agree!
So, to the couple who found and returned the wallet---THANK YOU!! AGAIN!!!

1 Add your Two Cents:

Tribe Mama said...

That was such a nice story. I always love hearing about when people do the right thing, and when nice people catch a break. Glad everything worked out :)