Thursday, September 11, 2008

Choices and Sacrifices

I need to comment one more time on this on going issue and then I will say not one more word! (For now anyway-LOL)

I started to write an even more detailed post (this was actually way longer!!) but decided just to get straighter to the point:
First, let me state for the record that I got pregnant BEFORE we were married.
Even though I had plans to go to college and we were not ready at this point in our lives, we chose to move up the -already set-wedding date and go from there. Our life together did not start out exactly the way we would have planned but we pulled up our panties and dealt with it!
I've stayed home with all three of my children.
I've also worked some part-time jobs around my hubsband's schedule-for extra money.
I did return to work FT [which was a lower paying job but had the perfect hours to be home for my kids after school and w/summers off!!] for a few years before the birth of our daughter and now I stay home with her!
In our almost 20 years of marriage- we've cut back AND did WITHOUT more often than not!!
We've went w/o heat in the middle of winter--with a newborn--because we could not afford to fill up our oil tank.
I've done w/o a washer--having to take loads to either a family members or the laundromat to wash, then bringing the wet clothes home to dry--because we could not afford to have it repaired or purchase a new one!
I've done w/o a dryer, as well (on a number of occasions)--having to hang clothes in the basement in the dead of winter [of course, in the summer it wasn't a problem b/c I used our clothesline-which I did then anyway to save on our utility bill]--again, not having the money to repair or replace.
This is just a sample of the hard times we've endured!!
We've lived w/o and just on the basics for many years.
We've also had some really good years, yet few, as well.
We are barely scrapping by now.

Oh and I would have LOVED to go back to school, but unfortunately I needed to pay for utilities and food so there wasn't any money left [still none now-but I am hopeful one day I can!!] to further my education.

I will be returning to work next year-- as we enroll our kids, in this case The Princess, into pre-school the year prior to Kindergarten --and this will make it able for me to return to work--and I hope to return to my old position because of my availablity to my kids!!

These hard times were brought on by us because of the choices we made:
I decided to KEEP my babies and -LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR-even though I had to sacrifice--and I -WE- HAVE sacrificed-- I DO NOT REGRET ONE MOMENT of being able to be with each one of them!!!
I am grateful and blessed to have had each and every second--good AND bad--of my life with my family!!

That's all folks!!

2 Add your Two Cents:

Anonymous said...

we can decide to tell someone what to do with their bodies when they decide to murder their child!!! we can tell people not to use their fingers to pull a trigger and shoot someone in the face. we can then also tell someone they are not allowed to kill the innocent person growing inside of them. that poor baby didn't decided to be there, so no, you can't kill them.

it's really quite simple.

Anonymous said...

i meant to post that comment under "the right to kill, i mean choose" but i did it here by accident. i'm still waking up.