Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pet Peeves--The Irritating Things

Parents seriously NEED to talk to their children and tell them to have a bit more respect.
This is is many issues but today it's this:

In front of my son's school there are 3 crossing walks. The local police are stationed throughout the area to oversee the population. It is known that the students have the right of way and the cars are to stop to let these students cross. This is all well and fine as I am all for the safety of the children. My beef is the way they cross!! Mind you it is 7:30-7:45am--a time when many people are dropping the students off as well as traveling to work. My beef is that they take their good old time crossing, like the vehicles stopped have NOTHING better to do than to watch them cross. The worst part is there is a WAWA across the street, so you not only have the kids crossing to come acroos to the school but you have them going back to the WAWA and then back again!!
It is just plain RUDE!!!!
And OH SO IRRITATING!! And I don't even have a place to be so imagine those having to get to work!!

Parents---PLEASE PLEASE tell your kids to move a little faster when crossing!!!

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