Sunday, September 21, 2008


I found this blog through another fellow blogger and I have to say;

she is a woman after my own HEART--OPINION--FEELINGS, etc.

This is a piece taken from a comment on her own blog which she wrote in response to a comment left by someone else.
I could not have stated these words better myself!!
This is EXACTLY how I feel:

I have no faith in the Republican party. None. From start to finish, inside out and upside down. They can dress up any way they want but at the end of the day, they are still a republican. Still conservative and still not looking out for, what I consider to be, MY best interest.

For all those who say "McCain isn't Bush" I call bullshit. Open your eyes. Time after time after time republicans stand for the same things, push the same agenda and screw the little people. I'm a little person and I'm tired of being screwed. I've been screwed for 8 years now and I say ENOUGH!

That's me. And that's why I never, ever, ever vote republican. Never.

So I don't know what to tell you. What we all should do is figure out the issues that are paramount to us as individuals and see who lines up the best with our visions. I'm against war and I think we are spending far too much money over there when out own nation is struggling. I'm against China being all up in our business (and don't get me started on that issue because honestly, I feel they are out to get us with all the crap they have been pulling - especially in regards to poisoning our children). I am against what is happening in the economy and I am terrified as to what that means for the average family who is struggling to keep it all together. I am against someone telling me that I would absolutely have to carry a baby to term if I was violently raped. I am against the lack of gun-control. I am against the very fundemental base of what the republicans stand for.

So that's how I know who I will vote for.

I hope you are able to sort out who you will support.

Good luck to us all. We are seriously going to need it to turn this country around.

Yeah--what she said!!!


1 Add your Two Cents:

A Jersey Girl said...

I cannot wait for the first Debate. Although I am sure nothing new is going to be said. I love to listen.