Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Right To Choose

I even hate to open myself up to this topic but I have to say what is on my mind!!

I am at a crossroads with where I stand in this political matter!!

Let me make it clear: I am in NO WAY voting for McCain/Palin!!
I do not like them and will not vote at all, rather than vote for them, if it comes to it!!

But I do have to say, I support Obama/Biden in every way except on the Partial Birth Abortion/Infanticide!!

Personally, I do not believe in abortion in itself in any way shape or form. I could NEVER do it. However, I also believe that NO ONE should be able to tell us what to do with our own bodies.
If a woman decides to abort her baby, then that is between HER and GOD----ONLY!!
Who are we to tell a person otherwise?
That being said, I DO NOT believe in Partial Birth Abortion/Infanticide!!
This is most definitely murder with the most innocent parties being punished--for his/hers' own parents indiscretions!!
If a woman wants to have an abortion, why wait until the baby is capable of living? Either have the child and put he/she up for adoption or do the abortion RIGHT after she finds out she is pregnant!!
Then there are the asinine doctors who perform the heinous act!! They are no better!!

What I am trying to say is: not voting for Obama because of this issue is not going to stop it regardless of it being LEGAL or ILLEGAL. It is going to happen and in most cases, if illegal it will cause women to go to other places which can cause even further problems!!
We can not afford to put McCain/Palin in office. This nation and this economy has been going down hill since Bush arrived in the Oval Office!! We can't go that same root again!!

I personally cannot let this particular issue stop me from voting for EVERYTHING ELSE that is good for this country.
Please DO NOT get me wrong: I do not, in any way, take this issue lightly. I just don't think that--by NOT voting Democrat--it is going to make the difference that we would all hope for.
It is plain and simple-Partial Birth Abortion/Infanticide NEEDS to be BANNED, but what it comes down to is this-It is ultimately between those people and GOD!!

For those against it:
The best thing to do to prevent abortion actually has NOTHING to do with voting for pro-life politicians. If you want to stop it then go volunteer for adoption centers, the YWCA, women's shelters, and Planned Parenthood. Get personally involved!!

And for ALL those women who are pondering the idea:
If you don't want a baby, keep your F*****G LEGS CLOSED!!! Use some form of birth control or give the baby up for adoption. There are so many couples who are trying to have babies and can't and then there are these babies that are literally being thrown away.

Oh and as far as all these You Tube videos ( and all the other publicity) are concerned:
This is all a bunch of people pulling out whatever trash they can to denounce the candidates they do not like to make there's look better. It is ALL mudslinging!
We need to vote for the candidates who will get this country out of the deep hole the Republicans--BUSH-- put us in!!
I don't know about you but I am TIRED of working hard to make ends meet getting nowhere while the richer get richer and are given more tax breaks while us peons get crap!!

That's all!

4 Add your Two Cents:

Tribe Mama said...

This is a very tough issue, but I think you were clear and stated your opinions nicely-which can be tough to do publically. I agree with you that it is not my right to choose for someone else and I believe that this is a personal situation, not a governmental issue.

Shelly said...

1. both obama and mccain plan to raise taxes on the rich
2. the AMERICAN PEOPLE voted bush into office TWICE
3. want more money? there is a sacrifice you can make to get it--more education and more time away from your babies--i'd rather be poor (for now, but in a few years i will head back to school AND back to work to make more money)
4. mccain isn't bush
5. obama and his stance on abortion is disgusting--but there are a whole heap of other problems with him.
6. it isn't just the president who makes decisions about the economy--we have a senate and a house full of people WE"VE elected that support/make/legislate those decisions--the head guy is just the one who get's the lion's share of the blame. (not that our head guy isn't to blame--he totally is too, i'm just saying that there is more than one reasons for the problems in our country, that's all)

Machel (Kurzhals) Pendlebury said...

Amen to what you said. You have been saying the EXACT same things that Jim and I have been discussing with each other. We both agree that we need Democrats in the office instead of the same shit that we've had for a while.

Ree said...

Not true--McCain plans to CUT taxes for the wealthy. In his eyes he sees it as the wealthy spending this money so that it will trickle down to the lower class. Tried before-failed before-will fail again--this was tried by Reagan when he was in office 'Reaganomics'!!
I DID not vote for Bush either time!!
I agree that more education is helpful but we have sacrificed--we are where we are because we chose for me to stay home with my kids.
However, my husband's line of work is a hands on trade--one that he is is extremely good at, I might add--which CAN be very profitable BUT due to this crappy economy not many people are doing much to there homes--that's IF they aren't losing them!!
No McCain isn't Bush--Just an older version of him-- he supported and voted for 90% of Bush's policies--this is too close for me!!
I DO NOT agree with Obama's stand with some abortion issues but it is a woman's right and ONLY her right to choose!! As far as the other problems, these aren't things that I (and MANY people) feel will affect the way he will run the country. These are personal issues and should be kept that way!!
Changing the way this country is run is a start!!
This IS a tough issue and clearly many are divided on it!
My views are not a bash against anyone else views--it is not a personal attack--these are just how I feel--and which you can see I feel strongly about! And, as well many others feel strongly about theirs!