Monday, October 13, 2008

Praying People Please Pray!!

Please say a prayer for my friend's Machel's hubby!!
I graduated from High School with both of them.

Jim is in ICU,
fighting for his life
after contracting bacterial menengitis!

The doctor just said it was an ear infection but he also had a high fever. Took him to the ER on Saturday because he was unresponsive. Tests showed he had menengitis. The doctor doesn't think he'll make it. We think he will. He's a fighter.

As of today,
Machel is glad to see some small improvements.
Jim is fighting!!
We'll know more later today.
I will post updates as I get them!
Thank you all for your prayers!!!


2 Add your Two Cents:

Machel (Kurzhals) Pendlebury said...

Thanks for posting about Jim. He is definitely showing improvement. I couldn't believe it when they said he was sooo sick that he wouldn't make it. Well here it is 48 hours later and he's doing much better. Breathing tube should come out tomorrow and then they'll bring him out of sedation. I'll keep you posted. I tried to call you but it just rang and rang.
Talk to you soon!!

Machel (Kurzhals) Pendlebury said...

Well, like your blog says "Miracles Do Happen." Jim came home from the hospital on Friday and has been doing extremely well. I keep calling him my miracle. I still have to give him antibiotics and other meds. He'll have some physical and occupational therapy this week, but he really doesn't need it. He's getting stronger everyday!! I am so grateful to all who prayed for his recovery. The power of prayer really does work!! We are both convinced of it.
So to those skeptics out there... try it, you'll like it.