Friday, December 19, 2008

We Finally Sat With Santa...Well Sort Of!!

So we trekked out into this yucky rainy day
to go try and see Santa again!!
Princess could not make-up her mind.
One minute she wanted to go, the next she didn't.
When she said she didn't want to go, I would say fine we won't.
To which she would reply that she was just kidding and she DID want to go.
So, she got a bath and then put her dress on.
And off we were!!

This is the second time we've tried,
and I have to say she was a little better,
but not much.
I did get her to sit for a pic
sans tears--which is an accomplishment in itself!!
But this is the only way she would do it:
So this year, I had to join the annual picture!
I did wear red & white just in case.
But I am not very happy with the way my pic turned out!!
Click here to see past years with Santa!


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